Koshin's namesake originates from Koshindo, a traditional bento shop established in 1976 in Yokosuka City, Kanagawa, Japan. This family-owned shop was where Chef Koji grew up, learning the secrets of Japanese cuisine at an early age. After refining his culinary skills through decades of experience, Chef Koji is now carrying out his mission of providing authentic, healthy, and tasty bento made fresh every day in the Bay Area of California.
In addition to providing customizable individual bento, we also provide catering for luncheons, meetings, and parties, private chef for a more intimate experience, cooking classes for groups and individuals interested in authentic Japanese cuisine, and other services as needed by our customers. We provide the flexibility of a local shop while adhering to the professional standards of a larger dining establishment.
光伸 の名前の由来は、当店のChef Kojiの実家の弁当屋の光伸堂からいただきました。光伸堂は1976年に神奈川県横須賀市で創立しました。光伸弁当は健康に美味しく毎日続けられる温かいお弁当を提供することを目指しています。

Koshin Bento’s Merit
Save time and avoid hassle by ordering ahead! Lunch hours are short and time is precious. Cut down on wasting life’s moments standing in line, fighting traffic, or looking for parking and have a fresh and custom-made bento delivered right to your doorstep. We provide healthy choices for seniors and busy families as well, saving them the need to leave the home.
Enjoy the authentic taste
Born to the family that founded Koshindo and raised in its kitchens, Chef Koji began learning how to use a knife and spatula almost as soon as he could walk. His years of experience include not only authentic Japanese cuisine, but French cuisine as well, having been a chef at Club33, an exclusive private French restaurant at Tokyo Disney. If authenticity and exquisite taste is what you crave in a cuisine, then rest assured that Koshin Bento can provide just that.
Tasty bento that is healthy and made fresh every day
Koshindo’s concept to bento is to provide plenty of vegetables, such is the tradition in Japanese cuisine. Koshin Bento carries on this tradition and provides fresh bento that is balanced and healthy, made fresh every day upon order. Vegan and Gluten free menus are also available. If any customer has a food allergy, please let us know in advance and needs will be accommodated.
Chef Kojiは光伸堂で生まれ幼少期 から包丁を握り料理を手伝い、日本食はもちろん、東京ディズニーランド内の非公開の会員制フレンチレストランClub33で働くなど、洋食の経験も豊富です。Bay Areaでも7年間日本食のレストランで働いていました。食通の皆様にも満足して頂ける味をご提供致します。